Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sustainable Mobility

We live in a society obsessed with consumerism, constantly wondering what we have to pay out for or what we need to buy today. We're a nation who would rather pay just that little bit extra to have the same coffee shop re-branded and placed just a little nearer to work because its closer than the one we ate lunch yesterday. A world where more ofter than not we're compartmentalised for what we own or how much 'stuff' we have.

I intend to carry out a number of experiments where i will abstain from all possessions and live my life in the role of someone else. By looking into various cultures, sub-cultures and roles in society i will gain an understanding and see what its really like to 'walk in someone else's shoes'. 

Monday, November 10, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sustainable Mobility: Has there been any changes in human values?..

In the Universe, there are countless life forms, and they all have one thing in common: they evolve, transform and adapt to the environment in order to sustain as a species. In both, flora and fauna worlds, species are challenged by time; Throughout the generations, they undergo great structural and physical transformations in order to survive. The planet's life forms are sometimes said to form a "biosphere". This biosphere is generally believed to have begun evolving about 3.5 billion years ago. A key point in human evolution begun approximately 12,000 years ago. Compared to the evolution of the biosphere, human evolution happened in the blink of an eye. Humans are an intelligent beings, who have evolved both physically and intellectually. Thanks to their ability to contemplate, create and improvise, humans not only survived great ecological changes throughout the years, but managed to create conditions for their greatest comfort and safety which concur with the natural environment of the Planet. What has made human evolve is the inborn need for knowledge and awareness, -this is where we are different from animals from the behavioural aspect. We all have a common ancestor; we have over 1000,000,0 species of animals from 1 type of single celled organism. We are different because we have self consciousness an a conscience. We are aware of the duality of spirit and matter.Animals live by their instincts. Our minds/consciousness has evolved beyond that. We are questioning ourselves: 'What/How?/When?/Why?'...We have a spirit and a free will as well as a body. We anticipate and change the transcendental future.
Any kind of life form which is a part of our Planet's life cycle can be called 'Sustainable Mobility'. Humanity too is a 'sustainable mobility',-and every generation counts. Where are we heading? What is the concept of humanity, how exactly do we need to sustain ourselves (as a human beings in comparison to animals)? Why do we have to care about our inner beauty, morality, values, interpersonal ecology and intelligence? Why do we need to challenge the quest for knowledge,...and having fulfilled our basic needs and being settled professionally and financially, do we still need to pursue knowledge?
My aim as an interdisciplinary conceptual visual artist is to encourage the viewer's contemplation about the SELF in respect to the concept of humanity.

I will create an audio-visual environment, inviting viewers to question their values, and examine the subject of 'sustainable mobility' in terms of personal development. I will relate this to the entire concept of humanity.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Good design improves the quality of life for the end user. This concept is commonly thought of in relation to consumer culture. However there is at the moment, an attitude towards this world of needlessly expanding, inpersonal clutter that is making designers and architects look to the more human concious side of their profession. Is it possible to distinguish between the often falsely implied lable of sustainability and the products of this shifting professional ethic?

Links: - jar tops.

Sustaining Movement between Existence and Art

Exploring the elements within life and art and discover relationships between the two.

Elements: Sustenance, Possessions, Personality, Finance, People, Skills.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Alison Booth: preserving treasured objects...

"Objects can be such strong vessels for memory, but cannot always physically kept with us. Can a design create a way of transporting these objects, or the essence of them with us, whether this is in our suitcase or to a new home?"

I am developing a document that will preserve the memories and essence of an object in a easily transportable, well-designed format. I am currently experimenting with layout and graphics to successfully communicate the richness of memories and a timeless element.