Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sustaining craft in primary education through movement workshops...

I recently attended a one day conference titled 'Materials and Processes; The Future of the Craft of Making' held at the British Library, by the Crafts Council. This day brought up my key interests in craft primary education and its current status in Britain. The subjects discussed were about the threats and weaknesses and how we can to sustain craft education in the future.
In response to this topic I will be holding my very own craft workshops for school children, leading up to main collaborative workshops at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, facilitated and lead by me, with help from YSP staff and the teachers. These workshops will include current themes discussed at the conference such as promoting 'hands on' practical ways of learning rather than computer screens and televisions.

The theme for the workshops is movement/mobility my inital plans within movement but i would like pupil lead activities within this theme. My ideas are literal and straight forward which young children can engage with and understand. One theme being movement of the body, using dance, drama and exercise and the other relating to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park exhibitions, creating sculptures that can move or represent movement.

My plan is to include creative strategies for me to work with, subconsciencly teaching the pupils a wealth of different skills, for example i could to include; spontaneous tasks that have to be done in a certain amount of time or limitations, other tasks could involve, drama, the environment,team work, mathematics, problem solving, confidence and last but not least a being creative and imaginative.

If any students/ tutors have any ideas, comments bad or good about my project or this post, please email or comment.

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